Premier Steel Doors and Frames


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Dear Valued Customer,

The health and safety of our customers, suppliers, and employees continues to be of paramount importance to us. We are actively monitoring all developments related to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and taking the necessary actions to ensure we continue to meet your business needs in a timely and safe manner.

All Premier warehouses remain operational at this time. Premier’s manufacturing operations fall within current U.S. guidance on “essential critical infrastructure workforce." We have asked the majority of our Premier office employees to work from home, and they are fully equipped to support you remotely. We take our responsibility in this environment very seriously and will continue to operate in a safe and healthy manner. Please reach out to your customer service representative should you have any questions. Be safe and know that we are here when you need us.

March 18, 2020

Dear Valued Customer:

The health and safety of our customers and employees are of paramount importance. We are actively monitoring all developments related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) issue and taking the necessary actions to ensure we continue to meet your business needs in a timely and safe manner.

Business Continuity

All Premier warehouses remain operational. Aligned with the recommendations of health officials, and to help prevent further spread of the virus, we have implemented teleworking for many of our office employees who work at our corporate office in Monroe, LA. They are able to perform most of their jobs from home while continuing to serve you, our customers, and support our operations. We have a business continuity program in place for our Order Management and Customer Service teams and they are fully equipped to support you.

All Premier employees – whether they meet face-to-face with customers or are office and warehouse-based – have been well-instructed and educated on practicing personal hygiene recommendations in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization guidelines. This includes topics like social distancing and basic hygiene practices that can keep employees safe in a variety of environments. Please know that our employees are taking the necessary precautions at all times to protect you and your employees. Business travel in and out of our facilities has also been canceled until further notice.

Supply Update

We are in daily communication with our suppliers to ensure we understand and are able to meet any possible supply challenges. Rest assured that our inventory position is strong and sufficient to meet your needs. We have also proactively broadened our supply chains to ensure service and support on a go-forward basis. We will keep you informed if there are any changes.

At Premier, we remain dedicated to providing you the best possible service during this volatile time. We are here and ready to take your orders, answer any technical questions, or assist with any other needs that you may have. Our team is experienced and qualified and more than ready to partner with you to help continue business-as-usual throughout this challenging time.

We will communicate further updates as they become available. Please contact your Premier Sales or Customer Service representative with any questions. Thank you for your continued business and support of Premier Steel Doors & Frames, Inc.

Joey Meggs
President/Chief Operating Officer

Premier Products copyright all rights reserved | TF: 800-962-6517 | PH: 318.361.0796 | Corporate Office: PO Box 7269,Monroe, LA 71211 | Contact