Premier Steel Doors and Frames


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Windstorm Steel Doors and Frames

Windstorm Rated Doors And Frames

Hurricanes and storms in the United States have been responsible for the tragic loss of life and billions of dollars in property damage. In response, building codes have been adopted to enhance the integrity of coastal region properties against these catastrophic events. Premier has tested and certified numerous door assemblies and applications to meet windstorm rating requirements called for in ANSI/SDI 250.13, ASTM E1886, ASTM E1996, ASTM E330, as well as Florida Building Code protocols TAS 201, 202, and 203. Premier door assemblies are FBC and TDI approved. Windstorm assemblies are certified and listed with both UL and NAMI.


Premier hurricane-resistant products have been tested to wind load and impact requirements defined in the International Building Code (IBC) and the Florida Building Code (FBC) and have received approval by the Florida Building Commission and Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). Premier assemblies are tested for design pressures, impact resistance, glass and glazing materials, and specific commercial hardware applications.

FBC Approval 41788 FBC Approval 17460 TDI Evaluations 1259 and 1260 TDI Third Party Evaluations


  • Design Pressure: +/- 40 PSF to +/- 116 PSF
  • Singles - 3'0" x 7'0" to 4'0" x 8'0" available
  • Pairs - 6'0" x 7'0" to 8'0" x 8'0" available
  • Water Infiltration +/- 50 PSF to +/- 70 PSF
  • Up to and including full glass and full louvers (23" x 63")


  • Single and paired openings up to 4'0" x 8'0" and 8'0" x 8'0"
  • Transom options up to 8'0" x 9'4"
  • Sidelight options up to 7'0" x “Unlimited"
  • Sidelight/Transom options up to 116" x 112"

Hardware Options

  • Cylindrical Lock
  • Mortise Lock
  • Surface Vertical Rod
  • Rim Exit Device - Mortise Lock/Card Lock
  • Surface Bolts and ASA
  • 4.5 Hinge
  • Continuous Hinge


  • UL and NAMI Certifications Standards
  • ANSI A250.13
  • ASTM E330/E1886/E1996
  • TAS201, TAS202, TAS203

Windstorm Steel Doors and Frames

Premier Products copyright all rights reserved | TF: 800-962-6517 | PH: 318.361.0796 | Corporate Office: PO Box 7269,Monroe, LA 71211 | Contact